Category: Protestant

  • Mud on my Boots on Ash Wednesday

    Cleaning the mud off my boots after a recent flood response, I noticed the grittiness of it. It reminded me of preparing the ashes for Ash Wednesday. Burning last year’s celebratory palms, sieving them fine, mixing them with oil. I see the impermanence of things, of even life itself, in

  • March 2, 2025–A God We Can’t Control

    Catalyst Question Describe a time when something out of your control was happening in your life. What did it feel like? A God We Can’t Control People often like to feel in control. Sometimes that’s for their own sinful reasons, like wanting unfair influence over others’ lives. At other times,

  • Winter Updates: State Edition

    ARIZONA | KANSAS | MINNESOTA | NEW MEXICO | PENNSYLVANIA | TEXAS | VIRGINIA   Following are updates shared from submissions from ELCA-affiliated state public policy offices (sppos) this quarter (formerly shared monthly). Full list and map of sppos available. Lutheran Advocacy Ministry Arizona (LAM-AZ) Solveig Muus, Director  Arizona Lutheran

  • Sumud Lent Series 2025

    This Lent, join ELCA Sumud with a six-week series in which Palestinian Christian theologians and pastors will weave together the biblical history of the Holy Land with themes of Jesus’s ministry surrounding empire and justice. Through videos and reflections, we will explore Jesus’s call to disrupt systems of oppression and

  • Devotional: Differences Need Not Divide

    By Jake Summerville, Lutheran Advocacy – Minnesota [About the Author] In a time as tense and divided as ours, ideas like a united church working together toward a common good feel more and more idealistic. Our neighbors are hurting, yet barbs of hatred and division wound. How can we expect

  • Diverse Gifts and Divine Love

    by Deacon Erin Brown – Lutheran Office for World Community [About the Author]   Being a part of the advocacy team at the Lutheran Office for World Community (LOWC) has given me the opportunity to meet amazing advocates from the communion of churches that form part of the Lutheran World

  • Devotional: Precedents of Community

    by Emily Ahern, ELCA Advocacy [About the Author] As a young person, I am more than familiar with the concept of living in unprecedented times. In fact, I yearn for times which are precedented. As the prior U.S. presidential administration has left, and the new administration takes hold, the future

  • For what shall we pray?

    “For what shall we pray?” is a weekly post inviting individuals, groups, and congregations to lift up our world in prayer. This resource is prepared by a variety of leaders in the ELCA and includes prayer prompts, upcoming events and observances, and prayer suggestions from existing denominational worship materials. You