Category: LDS

  • Giving Thanks and Giving Thought

    To read more from Daniel, visit his blog: Sic Et Non. The gospel of Luke (17:11-19) records that, on one occasion, as Jesus was traveling through the Galilee and Samaria en route to Jerusalem, he encountered a group of ten lepers.  Having presumably heard of his miraculous healing powers, they

  • Why Joseph Smith Ran for President

    Why would Joseph Smith run for the United States presidency in the 1844 election? Surely, he was a most improbable candidate. Surely, as the prophet who ushered in the Dispensation of the Fullness of Times, built cities that he hoped could become Zion, and saw church membership grow to some

  • Magic in the Mundane and Monotonous Mondays

    Monday. Ugh. The word purportedly derives from the Anglo-Saxon phrase mondandaeg, which means “The Moon’s Day.” That’s right. No joke. If true, then doesn’t that imply we should either still be in bed or out on the town!? Instead, many of us (okay, me) plod along as mopes of malcontent,