Category: LDS

  • Bounded Flexibility in Adjustments to Temple Ordinances

    This article is adapted from Jeffrey M. Bradshaw, Freemasonry and the Origins of Latter-day Saints Temple Ordinances. Orem and Salt Lake City, UT: The Interpreter Foundation and Eborn Books, 2022. Available at Eborn Books, FAIR Bookstore, and other Latter-day Saint booksellers—and online at In the spring of 2019, my

  • Delayed, Not Denied

    Many of us don’t like delays. They can feel inconvenient, irritating, sometimes senseless, and often, bothersome. We experience setbacks when we travel. We sometimes sit for hours delayed at airports. Other times, our vehicles crawl slowly forward in congested traffic, prolonging our hunger or rest. At times, we are deferred

  • Patterns in Stories of Lasting Healing From Depression

    The following first appeared on Public Square Magazine.  What can we learn from people who find sustainable healing from depression?  This has been a question burning under my fingernails ever since learning about a remarkable researcher named Kelly Turner. Dr. Kelly Turner noticed something usual in her early studies at the University

  • Arguing for the Divinity of Jesus

    One of the most famous arguments for the divinity of Christ was expressed by the brilliant C. S. Lewis. (Incidentally, his own journey of faith was recently depicted on film in “The Most Reluctant Convert: The Untold Story of C. S. Lewis,” which I enthusiastically recommend, although it can never

  • What Does the Church Teach About Cremation vs. Burial?

    To read more from Larry, visit LDS365. More Americans are now choosing cremation over traditional burials, but is cremation aligned with doctrine of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints? Statistics from the National Funeral Directors Association show that in 2021, the cremation rate was projected to be more than