Category: Catholic

  • The End of Reading

    In reading literature, the tropological way of reading does not mean we pray the text itself, as we would with Scripture in lectio divina. Though there have been many books published that collect the spiritual writings of an author into one place or are titled The Gospel according to .

  • A Group Chat About Chat GPT-4

    Brett Robinson: Hello, world! The advent of ChatGPT (on its fourth iteration as of this week) and generative AI has introduced some vexing questions about the role of language in online environments. How do we know who’s “speaking?” A person or a machine? What do authorship and originality look like in

  • Should We Be Skeptical About Synodality?

    We are currently amid what has been termed the largest consultation process in human history. Launched at Pentecost 2021, the Synod on Synodality—the hallmark of Pope Francis’s pontificate—will take place this October, just months away. The Working Document for the Continental Stage has been compiled from submissions from national Bishops’ Conferences.