Category: Baptist

  • Day 40 | Faith in Action

    Scripture: Matthew 25:40 Devotion When we see the suffering and brokenness in the world, it should stir something deep within us—a desire to respond and make a difference. Whether it’s children without stable homes, families facing overwhelming challenges, or individuals feeling isolated, these needs should move us to act. But

  • The Legacy of Prayer at Brentwood Baptist

     The Legacy of Prayer at Brentwood Baptist In this episode of the Sermon Notes podcast, host Jay Strother sits down with guests Gayle Haywood and Janet Waters to explore the profound impact of prayer in the life of Brentwood Baptist Church during their 40 days of prayer emphasis. Gayle

  • Day 39 | Way, Truth, and Life

    Scripture: John 14:6 Devotion Have you been burdened by the lost around you? Have you been burdened for those unreached people groups around the world? As followers of Christ, we are called to share the love of Christ with the lost around us and around the world. Jesus’ words in

  • Day 34 | Changed by Jesus 

    Scripture: Matthew 28:18-20  Devotion Change can be hard. If we’re honest, most of us dig our heels in when we feel change on the horizon. It’s in our nature to resist anything other than the status quo, the routine, or what feels “controllable.” But the reality is this: The backdrop

  • Day 29 | Uniquely Called Part Two

    Scripture: Ephesians 1:4-6 Devotion Imagine receiving an invitation to the most exclusive event in history—one planned before time began. That’s exactly what Paul describes in Ephesians 1. But this isn’t just any invitation; it’s an adoption certificate with your name written on it “before the foundation of the world.” The