Wednesday’s Catch: ‘Should Churches Celebrate July 4th? (And How Much)’ And More

Should Churches Celebrate July 4th? (And How Much)
Independence Day is a unique holiday for the American church. An overt Christian connection does not exist like with Christmas or Easter. July 4th is also specific to the United States, so churches outside of our country—as expected—would not recognize the holiday. Four predominant views exist concerning whether American churches should recognize the holiday in a worship service. These views are on a spectrum, and godly people can have widely differing perspectives.

Like Sam Rainer, I fall into the second category and see the July 4th holiday as an excellent outreach opportunity to draw the community to the campus of my church. My church takes part in the annual Freedom Fest parade and distributes flyers and freezies to the people lining the parade route. The flyers invite the parade watchers to send their kids to the church’s Vacation Bible School. Other outreach activities in which I have participated have included distributing free bottled water and balloons to Freedom Fest attendees and face painting.

That Ten Commandments law isn’t the worst thing about Louisiana’s ‘Dream Big’ act for public education 

I worked as a social worker in Louisiana for 27 years and my mother taught in the state’s schools. I see these measures as extremely irresponsible and wrongheaded and seriously damaging public health and public education in the state and endangering the state’s children.

Christian nationalism: A Baptist evaluation and response
As Ronald S. Cava writes in this article, ““Coerced faith is no faith at all.”

Creating Church Experiences Worth Experiencing
Welcome to the Experience Economy! Actually, we’ve been living in it for a decade or two, even if you and I haven’t realized it. Most of us are old enough to remember the previous service economy. The economic progression away from the service economy has been evolving for quite some time and has real implications for your church.

Intergenerational Ministry: Strive for Understanding, Connectivity
For churches of all sizes, intergenerational ministry is a necessary and worthwhile undertaking.

Building New Relationships: 4 Strategies for Church Leaders in Transition
Let’s face it, a successful ministry hinges on connection. But transitions can be tough. Front and center for many of us is the question: how do I build strong relationships with this new church family? New faces, new routines, and the pressure to build strong connections quickly – it’s enough to make even the most outgoing pastor sweat a little. And that’s where the misconception that you can just saunter right into your new appointment and the congregation will welcome you with open arms, comes in.

4 Practical Tips for Building a Strong Sunday School Team
As a Sunday school leader, you want to ensure that your ministry has a solid foundation—and that includes your team. Consider these practical tips for building a strong Sunday school team.

Maintaining Purity for Long, Healthy Ministry
Let’s determine to handle our desires with Christlike purity. Let holiness and our sanctification be the benchmarks in our lives.

VOICES: 9 ways to keep the missional fire burning
Looking back at the Church’s dynamic beginnings in Acts 19, we see that its “first works” were characterized by passionate discipleship, bold Gospel proclamation, regional transformation, and the planting of vibrant Jesus communities across Asia Minor.

Anglicans Ablaze

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