Tuesday’s Catch: ‘Virtual Mission Field’ And More

The Church has entered a new era—a post-Christian, digital age. But simply having a website, social media, and an online campus should not be our only forays into a digital post-Christian world. We should enter the virtual mission field.

Pews, Not the Pulpit Drive Preference for In-Person Worship
For those who prefer in-person over online worship, the sense of connection to other people drives them, according to Pew Research.

Man Shall Not Live by Online Bread Alone
According to Trevin Wax, But there is a downside to toay’s boom in online worship services. We become vulnerable to a cultural malady of “substitutism.”

Millennial Parents: 7 Ways To Reach Young Families Today
Lifeway Research found that many young adults leave the church because they don’t find it relevant. That trend can’t continue! The good news is that church leaders can slow this decline. Use these tips to reach millennial parents and develop them into kingdom builders.

God Is Not Limited by Our Lack
What does your church lack? How long have you felt like a failure with the fear of your church closing? Don’t give up. Keep using whatever you have while you focus on listening and following God’s lead. If you don’t know what to do next, just go where you are invited. God is going to link you to someone with a need. Let them in and listen to their heart. When you do, you just might hear God’s.

The Bible and the Civil Rights Movement
Many chapters in the story of the civil rights movement have been forgotten, modified, or intentionally misrepresented. White Americans tend to imagine the movement as less controversial than it was, white resistance as less violent than it was, and the resolution more final and satisfying than it was. Many Americans also forget—or ignore—the significant role that religion played in motivating and strengthening both the movement and its opponents. The Bible unsurprisingly played a significant role.

When my high school was desegregated, it was bombed. The faculty lounge was targeted and the vice-principal injured in the blast. The school later burned down under mysterious circumstances.

Five Common Hindrances to Bible Reading
What often keeps us from engaging with Scripture? See how many of these five hindrances apply to you.

A Simple Way for Leaders to Start the Day with God
Chuck Lawless offers a simple way we can turn to God every morning.

How Do You Prepare to Share Jesus?
…before you move from the pew to the street to share the gospel, know why you are doing it. Before you ask someone to come to your church, understand why they should and why they should stay.

Uncommitted Christians causing ‘catastrophic decline in biblical worldview in America’: Barna
Millions of uncommitted Christians are causing a “catastrophic decline in biblical worldview in America” because they have been poorly discipled in their faith and often don’t know how to pass on biblical values to their children, research in a new book from veteran Christian researcher George Barna shows.

4 in 10 Evangelicals Say They’ve Been Visited by the Dead
Despite Scripture’s warning against communication from beyond the grave, most consider hearing from loved ones to be a comfort in their grief.

Renewed Fellowship, New Staff Bring Growth
When the Very Rev. Dane Boston returned to Trinity Cathedral in Columbia, South Carolina, this time as dean in January 2021, he found a very different church than the one he had previously served as canon for adult formation for five years.

Anglicans Ablaze

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