5 Things I Love About Rural Ministry

By Daniel Stegeman

I’ve spent my entire 14-year ministry in a rural context. While it’s been a true blessing, it wasn’t my plan.

As I was finishing seminary, my mind was set on planting an urban church. I attended a church-planting conference, read all the literature, and prepared myself as best as I could. But in the providence of God, my plans never materialized.

Looking back, I’m glad they didn’t. I was pretty wet behind the ears and probably would’ve failed at church planting. After a few years of pastoral ministry, I realized I didn’t fit the mold of a typical church planter, much less an urban one. Rural ministry, on the other hand, suits me just fine.

What do I love so much about ministry in a small place? At least five things. Read More
Anglicans Ablaze

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