27 Countries Speak Boldly in Support of the Family

From the Desk of Wendy Wixom:  

Lest you think you are quite alone in your commitment to the importance of the family to individuals and to society, it is with pleasure we share the words of 27 countries from around the world. These 27 United Nations (UN) member states align themselves in common cause as the “Group of the Friends of the Family” (GoFF).

Every July, the UN holds a High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) where countries come together and discuss their commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).  Individual countries provide statements, as do various country coalitions.  We were thrilled when we heard the Group of the Friends of the Family statement.  This statement reiterated points that we at United Families repeatedly make:

  • There is a link between successful development, human flourishing, and the family.
  • It is crucial to recognize the role of individual families in accomplishing the SDGs.
  • There needs to be more family-centered policies and programs – at the domestic and global levels.


United Families International was involved in the writing and publishing of two books:  “The Family and the MDGs” (Millennial Development Goals) and then later, “Family Capital and the SDGs” (Sustainable Development Goals) – which has been on placed display at the UN library on multiple occasions.  Both books concur with the GoFF Statement.


To indicate such strong support for traditional families, by being party to this HLPF statement, requires courage. We know there are many other countries who may believe the same way but are not willing to boldly indicate support.  We want to thank those countries who did stand up!  We know there are many people, like you, who stand with them!  Take a minute to read their bold words, below.  Then, follow their example, take courage, and find opportunities to share with others the importance of the family.


With gratitude for the courageous,

Wendy Wixom, President

United Families International


Statement by the Deputy Foreign Minister of the Republic of Belarus H.E. Mr. Yuri Ambrazevich on behalf of the Group of Friends of the Family Statement by the Deputy Foreign Minister of the Republic of Belarus H.E. Mr. Yuri Ambrazevich on behalf of the Group of Friends of the Family



Meridian Magazine

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